Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reaching for the STAARs

     As you may already know, the state of Texas has changed the name of our annual assessment tool from TAKS to STAAR.  STAAR stands for the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness.  This new assessment will bring about a few changes.  I have attached a pdf file from the Texas Edcuation Agency (TEA) to help explain the new testing requirments/changes.  I also included a couple of links as additional resources (TEA and Lead4ward).  Lead4ward is a company that provides services to school districts (in this case STAAR implementation).  Feel free to call me at 428-2307 if you have any questions. 
STAAR presentation:

Texas Education Agency:


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our first Pep Rally of the year. What fun.

     Our first Pep Rally of the year was an extremely fun time for all students and staff.   Several students were able to showcase their talents as the audience was able to see performances from the band, dance team, school mascot, and cheerleaders. Some teachers and student spectators got into the action as we hosted our usual spirit stick competition. It was a special time for all. The cross-country, volleyball, and football teams each has representatives speak about their respective seasons. I have walked the halls at several campuses over the past 15 years and it makes me wonder how many talented young people I have passed by without being privy to their talents.  I would like to send a special thank you to all the parents and teachers behind the development of those skills and talents. I am proud of each one of our students for the personal bravery they exhibited by performing in front of a large crowd, their sense of togetherness, and the spirit they displayed at our first Pep Rally of the school year. I look forward to seeing everyone at out next Pep Rally. 
Thank you to Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Moore for all the hard work that you put into organizing the Pep Rally.

Jaggie (our school Mascot)

The Band


The Dance Team

Mr. Kind (Winnner of Mr. School Spirit)

Mrs. Cook (Winner of Mrs. School Spirit)